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LifewatchGreece is a research e-infrastructure for biodiversity data and data observatories of Greece and the Mediterranean Sea. A selection of the developed e-Services and Virtual Labs are available as user friendly mobile applications.

Citizen Science - Explore: the user can visualize data from selected citizen science projects on a map and explore information about each observation (list of species, scientific names, classification, habitat etc).

Micro-ct - View: the user can view a series of images and videos from virtual galleries of marine organisms created using the micro-tomography technology and to manipulate the 3D models through a series of online tools.

MedOBIS - Map: the user can visualize datasets from the Mediterranean on a map and explore information about each observation.

RvLab - Analyse: the user can perform a series of statistical analysis (parametric and non-parametric) on selected already uploaded input files.

microCt App screenshot
microCt App screenshot
microCt App screenshot
microCt App screenshot
microCt App screenshot

Creative Commons License
The content of the microCTvlab by HCMR micro-CT lab is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

If you use MicroCTvlab in a publication, please cite:  Keklikoglou K, Faulwetter S, Chatzinikolaou E, Michalakis N, Filiopoulou I, Minadakis N, Panteri E, Perantinos G, Gougousis A, Arvanitidis C (2016) Micro-CTvlab: A web based virtual gallery of biological specimens using X-ray microtomography (micro-CT). Biodiversity Data Journal 4: e8740.